عرض 1–20 من أصل 25 نتيجة

شرح الشمسية للكاتبي في المنطق للإمام التفتازاني

8.40 $
  1. (Taftazani’s Commentary on the Shamsiya in Logic) Sharh al-Shamsiya – jad allah bassam
This is Sa’d al-Din al-Taftazani’s (d. 1390 CE) famous commentary on the Shamsiya text in logic by Najm al-Din al-Katibi. Katibi’s text has historically been one of the most widely studied and glossed logic texts in the Islamic tradition. Jadallah Bassam’s critical edition is based on a series of earlier lithographed editions.

مغني الطلاب في علم المنطق

6.00 $
  1. (Sufficiency of Students: A commentary on Abhari’s Isaghoji in Logic) Mughni al-Tullab – Isam al-Subu’i
This is a critical edition of the famous commentary in logic by Mahmud Hasan al-Maghnisi (c. 1500). This particular text was famously studied by students of logic in Anatolia and the eastern Islamic lands.

حاشية بلال على إيضاح المبهم من معاني السلم للدمنهوري

6.00 $
  1. (A Contemporary Gloss on Damanhuri’s Commentary on the Sullam in Logic) Hashiya ‘ala idah al-mubham min ‘ma’ani al-sulalm -bilal najar
Damanhuri’s commentary on the Sullam al-Munawraq in logic has been utilized as the primary text in teaching beginners the discipline of logic. This version of the text is published alongside an extensive explanatory gloss by the contemporary teacher of logic, Bilal Najjar.