عرض 1–20 من أصل 23 نتيجة

حاشية على شرح صغرى الصغرى

7.20 $
  1. (Contemporary Gloss on Sanusi’s Sughra al-Sughra in Kalam) Hashiya ‘ala sughra al-sughra – said foudeh
This is a gloss by the contemporary kalam scholar Dr. Said Foudeh on Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi’s commentary on his short kalam primer Sughra al-Sughra. Sanusi’s text alone suffices the needs of most students of theology, and Foudeh’s commentary helps bring Sanusi’s insights to light, while guiding students to higher levels of study.

تهذيب شرح السنوسية

6.00 $
  1. (A New Commentary on Sanusi’s Creed) Tahdhib al-sanusiya - said foudeh
This is an important commentary complied by the contemporary Kalam scholar Dr. Said Foudeh, which combines 5 commentaries on Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi’s famous kalam primer, Um al-Barahin.