سيدنا محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، شمائله الحميدة وخصاله المجيدة، في الشمائل المحمدية600 ص.

10.80 $
  1. (Our Master, the Prophet Muhammad) Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah – Abdullah Siraj al-Din
This is a reprint of the famous text on the Prophet Muhammad (S) and his life, attributes, and habits, by the late 20th Century hadith master Abdullah Siraj al-Din.

تطور الفكر الأصولي عند المتكلمين

10.00 $
  1. (The Evolution of Legal Theory among the Mutakallimun) Tatawuur al-fikir al-usuli ‘inda al-mutakallimin – ahmad al-hasanat
This is a study by the current Chief Justice of Jordan, Dr. Ahmad al-Hasanat, on the evolution of legal theory by scholars of kalam. There are two general methods when it comes to legal theory in the Islamic tradition, the school of the jurists and the school of the mutakallimun; this in-depth study examines the evolution of legal theory among the latter.